• Volume 70 , Number 4
  • Page: 342–3


The General Assembly of the International Leprosy Association during its meeting on 9th August, 2002, at Salvador, Brazil, adopted the following resolution:

The ILA General Meeting of Members thanks the ILA Technical Forum for the excellent work done and endorses the Report (as published in the International Journal of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases, Volume 70, Number 1 (supplement), dated March, 2002).

The ILA General Meeting of Members wishes to make it clear that the available evidence strongly suggests that a significant leprosy problem will continue to exist for many years to come and that services to detect and to manage cases of leprosy must therefore be sustained.

The ILA General Meeting of Members calls on all stakeholders (including national governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations) to review their recommendations and guidelines for leprosy-related activities, in the light of the Report.

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