The International Leprosy Association Constitution and Bylaws
1. Name. - The name and title of this organization shall be THE INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY ASSOCIATION, with its French and Spanish equivalents, ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE CONTRE LA LÈPRE; ASOCIACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LEPRA.
2. Objects. -The objects of the Association shall be: to encourage collaboration between persons of all nationalities concerned in leprosy work; to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge of leprosy and its control; to help in any other practicable manner the antileprosy campaign throughout the world; to publish a scientific journal of leprosy; to cooperate with any other institution or organization concerned with leprosy.
3. Members.-There shall be two categories of Members, namely, Regular and Sustaining, (a) Regular Members are persons holding recognized medical or scientific degrees, or other professional qualifications, or persons who are, or have been, actively connected with leprosy work. All applications for membership of the Association shall be approved only after consideration of their application by a Selection Committee composed of the Secretary and two Members of the Council appointed by the President: these Councillors will serve for one year at a time. Only paid-up Members shall be eligible to vote at General Meetings of Members or to hold office in the Association.
(b) Sustaining Members are individuals and philanthropic and other organizations contributing annually at least US$500 to the funds of the Association. Grantors are those Sustaining Members contributing annually a sum of at least US$1000.
4. Officers and Council.-(a) The Officers of the Association shall be the President, the immediate Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, four Vice-Presidents, one from each major geographic division of the world (Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe), and the Editor of the Journal.
(b) The Council shall consist of these Officers, and of fifteen elected Members, who shall be selected on the basis of geographic representation. The term of office shall be the interval between succeeding Congresses. The representation shall be: Africa, 3; the Americas, 4; Asia, 5; Europe, 3.
(c) The President and Vice-Presidents shall not hold office continuously for more than one term, except by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Meeting of Members.
(d) Councillors may not hold office continuously for more than two terms (of five years each), except by a two-thirds vote of recommendation by the Council.
(e) The immediate Past President shall be a Member of the Council for a period of five years following his relinquishing of the office of President. His membership on the Council during this term would not preclude his subsequent re-election to the Council.
5. President Emeritus. - The Council shall be empowered to admit to the roll of President Emeritus those Presidents who after their term of office deserve recognition of their signal service to the cause of leprosy.
6. Honorary Vice-Presidents.-The Council shall be empowered to admit to the roll of Honorary Vice-Presidents those Vice-Presidents or Councillors who after their term of office deserve some recognition of their signal service to the cause of leprosy.
7. Honorary Members.-The Council shall be empowered to grant the distinction of Honorary Membership to those individuals who have distinguished themselves in the fight against leprosy.
8. Headquarters.-The location of the offices of the Secretary and of the Treasurer of the Association respectively shall be determined by the Council.
9. Meetings.-The Association shall hold Congresses at such intervals and under such conditions as may be determined by the Council.
10. Publications.-A scientific periodical devoted mainly to leprosy and entitled International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases shall be the official organ of the Association; the Association may, as may be found desirable and practicable, issue other publications.
11. Affiliations.-The Association shall encourage affiliation to it by medical and other organizations concerned with leprosy and its problems, subject to approval of the Council. Contributions to be paid by affiliates shall be determined by the Council. The Association itself may enter into relations with other bodies at the discretion of the Council.
12. Funds and Expenses.-Funds for the expenses of the Association, other than for Congresses, shall be obtained from membership dues, subscriptions to the sales of its publications, and by donations. Funds for expenses of Congresses shall be raised through inscription fees, donations or otherwise.
13. Seal. - The Association shall have a common seal.
14. Referendum.-Questions of importance to the Association that cannot be referred until the next General Meeting of Members shall be determined by postal referendum. Any such question may be submitted by any Member to the Secretary, and shall be referred by him to the Council Members by mail for consideration regarding the matter and its urgency. If approved for immediate action by a majority of Council Members replying within a reasonable stated period, the matter shall be presented to the Members of the Association by publication in the International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, for postal vote. A majority of those responding within a reasonable stated time shall decide the issue.
15. Amendments.-Any proposal to amend this constitution shall be decided at a General Meeting of Members. Such proposals shall be sent to the Secretary at least six months before the date of the next ensuing Congress. The Secretary shall inform the Members of the Council of these proposals, and the Council shall communicate its recommendations to the Members of the Association, at least twenty-four hours before the proposals are considered by the General Meeting of Members.
1. Membership.- (a) Applicants for membership shall direct to the Secretary a written application, in which shall be given personal data, including a statement of the applicant's connection with leprosy work; and an undertaking to pay the dues for the current year after the application has been approved by the Selection Committee. The Secretary shall enter the applicant on the roll of Members of the Association.
(b) All Members whose dues are paid for the current year shall be sent the International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases on publication.
(c) Any Member who fails, in any year, to pay his annual dues previous to the publication of the third issue of the Journal for that year shall be considered as not in good standing and shall be removed from the mailing list of the Journal until such payment is made. When payment has been made and received, he shall receive a copy of each issue so withheld, provided that copies are available.
(d) Any Member who fails to pay his annual dues for a full year shall be deemed to be no longer a Member. Any person who has thus forfeited membership shall be reinstated, without payment of back dues, upon request for reinstatement and the payment of dues for the current year.
2. Election of Officers.- Officers and Councillors of the Association shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast by regular paid-up Members attending a General Meeting of Members of the Association. The Council shall recommend to the General Meeting of Members those Members who, in its opinion, would be most suitable for the positions of: President, Vice-Presidents (four), Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor of the Journal. Having regard to the need for geographic representation, the Council shall prepare a list of Members who, in its opinion, would be most suitable for the office of Members of the Council and submit this list to the General Meeting of Members. In the preparation of its recommendations, the Council shall make nominations on the basis of the majority of Councillors present and voting at the relevant meeting of the Council.
Any Member of the Association desiring to nominate a Member of the Council may do so in writing at least six months before the opening date of the next Congress, the proposal being sent to the Secretary of the Association. The nomination shall be supported by the signature of the proposer and two other Members of the Association, and shall indicate that the candidate is willing to be so nominated. The proposal shall be considered by the Council for inclusion in the list of those to be submitted to the General Meeting of Members.
3. Duties of Officers.- (a) The President shall fulfill such duties as custom requires, namely, taking the chair at meetings of the Council and of the Association, and generally giving a lead to the Association in all matters pertaining to its policy and activities, and acting on behalf of the Council between meetings of the Association.
(b) The Vice-Presidents shall support the President in the performance of his duties.
(c) The Secretary shall have the care of all records and documents of the Association, shall conduct its official correspondence and shall keep the register of the Members. He shall, in all ways within his power, further the work and usefulness of the Association, in accordance with policies determined by the Council or the President.
(d) The Treasurer shall demand and receive all funds due to the Association, shall receive all subsidies, donations and bequests made to it, shall deposit all funds received in an accredited bank in the name of the Association, shall disburse such funds in accordance with the wishes of the Council, and shall submit to the President, for subsequent publication in the Journal, a properly audited account at the end of each year.
(e) Should the office of President become vacant, the Council shall choose one of the Vice-Presidents as Acting President until the next election.
(f) Should the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Editor become vacant, the President shall designate a successor who shall serve until the next election.
4. Council and Committees.- (a) The Officers and Council shall be responsible for the management of the affairs of the Association.
(b) In any meeting of the Council, a simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum, provided that two shall be Officers. In any action by the Council that may be taken by mail, a decision shall be by a majority of replies received by a reasonable stated date.
(c) The Council shall be empowered to create committees, permanent or temporary, as may be found necessary or expedient.
5. Meetings. - (a) In organizing a Congress of the Association, the Council shall serve as the Executive Committee of that meeting and may for that purpose enlist the cooperation of other persons and form such special committees as it may deem expedient.
(b) Any paid-up Member of the Association may register at and participate in any meeting of the Association.
(c) Only paid-up Members shall be entitled to vote at the General Meeting of Members.
(d) Non-members may be invited by the Executive Committee to attend Congresses and meetings of the Association and to present papers and participate in discussions.
(e) A Congress convened by the Association shall be presided over by the President or one of the Vice-Presidents. During a Congress, a Meeting of Members of the Association shall be convened to elect Officers and Members of the Council, to receive and act on reports, resolutions, memorials, and such other matters as may be referred to it by the Council.
6. Council Meetings at the Time of Congresses.- (a) The Council of the Association shall meet immediately before a Congress of the Association to consider matters that may be brought before it, and may meet again from time to time during the Congress as may be required.
(b) The Council shall receive and consider all reports of its Officers and all resolutions and memorials prior to their submission to the General Meeting of Members.
7. Journal.- The official organ of the Association shall be the International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases.
(a) The Journal shall be published by the Association through the "International Journal of Leprosy of the International Leprosy Association. Inc." as laid down in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the said Association.
(b) The Board of Directors shall consist of the President and the Secretary of the Association, together with the Executive Officer and two Council Members, the latter two being appointed by the Council.
(c) The languages of the Journal shall be English, French and Spanish.
8. Dues.-The annual dues, payable in advance, shall be determined from time to time by the Council, notice being taken of the advice tendered by the Board of Directors of the Journal. The annual dues shall be expressed in dollars US and are payable in dollars.
9. Amendments.- These Bylaws may be amended at a Congress by the procedure specified for amendments of the Constitution, a majority vote being decisive. Amendments may be made during intervals between Congresses by referendum. Any such proposal shall be submitted to the Secretary and referred by him to the Members of the Council by mail, after which the proposal together with the opinion or opinions of the Council Members responding shall be published in the International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases for voting by the paid-up Members. The issue shall be decided by a majority of those responding by a given date.
As revised 1932, 1935, 1948, 1953, 1963, 1978, and 1988.