• Volume 67 , Number 2
  • Page: 179–81

News and notes

This department furnishes information concerning institutions, organizations, and individuals engaged in work on leprosy and other mycobacterial diseases, and makes note of scientific meetings and other matters of interest.

Ethiopia. Vacancy at ALERT . ALERT, the All Africa Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Rehabilitation Training Centre based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is currently seeking an Expert in Leprosy and Tuberculosis Control and Research Methodology.

This function will entail the planning, organizing and facilitating of training activities related to leprosy/TB control and program management in ALERT international courses and national training sessions. The preparation of all required training materials, including manuals for international distribution, will also constitute one of the main tasks. Furthermore, the expert will be expected to stimulate research activities at ALERT through staff training, the provision of guidance and technical support, active participation in operational research and the preparation of articles for publication. In addition, he or she will also function as a consultant specialized in leprosy/TB control, both to ALERT and on an international basis.

The expert will be assigned to the Training Division of ALERT and will be accountable to the Director of Training.

Candidates should fulfill the following minimum requirements: a) Medical doctor with a Master's Degree in Public Health (MPH), Epidemiology, Health Services Management, or similar qualifications; b) 5 years' field experience in leprosy and TB control (at least 2 of which relate to a combined program); c) Knowledge of research methodology, supported by at least 5 original publications; d) Proven teaching ability and experience, supported by references from training institutions or program directors; and e) Fluency in English.

The contract with ALERT will be for a period of 2 years, with the possibility of renewal. Salary, including benefits and insurance, will be according to the terms and conditions of the Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR), and will be paid by NLR on behalf of ALERT. NLR is the ILEP coordinator for ALERT and a co-financier of ALERT activities.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 1999. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to ALERT for an interview, and the successful candidate is expected to join ALERT no later than January 2000.

For further information and the submission of applications, please contact: ALERT, Director of Training, P.O. Box 165, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Tel: 251-1-711524 or +251-1-712792, Fax: 251-1-711199 or +251-1-711390, e-mail: ahri@telecom.net.et



Nepal. 1999/2000 International courses on RPOID . An announcement has been received from Dr. Wim van Brakel on the 1999 Management of Rehabilitation and Prevention of Impairment and Disability (RPOID) course to be offered at Green Pastures Training Center in Pokhara, Nepal:

The 1999 RPOID Management Course will aim at teaching concepts in rehabilitation and POID, approaches to rehabilitation, rehabilitation and POID management, including monitoring and evaluation of activities in these areas. The course will be based on the concepts and terminology used in the International Classification of Impairments, Activities and Participation (ICIDH- 2) published by the WHO.

For a limited number of participants an opportunity will be offered for additional in-service training during the week following the Management Course (29 Novem- ber-3 December 1999). Selected participants will be assigned on a one-to-one basis to a tutor who will guide them through a self-learning program.

Available topics include institutional rehabilitation, CBR, expanding the services of a leprosy hospital to serve people with other rehabilitation needs, agricultural rehabilitation, statistics and information systems, footwear, prostheses and orthoses, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. These placements will be available strictly by arrangement prior to the course only.

Dates: 15-26 November 1999 (2 weeks).

Target group: Managers of rehabilitation and/or POID programs, senior hospital staff, senior leprosy control staff, and doctors with managerial responsibilities for RPOID activities.

In addition to the 1999 RPOID Management Course, there will be a RPOID Skills Course. The RPOID Skills Course will aim at RPOID-related assessments, such as nerve function assessment, psychosocial assessment, ADL assessment, impairment assessment and socio-economic assessment, treatment and rehabilitation interventions. The second course will, therefore, concentrate on skills acquisition. Through optional workshops the second course will offer an opportunity to study certain topics in more depth. The course will include a 1-week field trip to practice the learned skills in a real program setting.

Dates: 10 January-4 February 2000 (4 weeks).

Target group: Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and field staff with responsibility for the assessment, treatment and/or rehabilitation of people needing RPOID interventions.

Teaching/learning methods (both courses): Lectures, group discussions, group assignments, individual assignments, practical work in small groups, problem-based learning, self study, presentations, and simulation exercises. The teaching medium is English. Because of the complicated nature of the subject, a high degree of fluency in both spoken and written English is required. Experience in leprosy work will be an advantage, but is not essential.

Venue: Green Pastures Training Centre in Pokhara, Nepal.

Course fees (including board and lodging): $175 per week.

Detailed information can be obtained from: The Training Officer, GPTC, P.O. Box 28, Pokhara 33701, Nepal. Tel 977-6124562; Fax 977-61-20430; e-mail gptc@inf.orp.np



Senegal. 25th Anniversaire de la Fondation de l'Institut de Léprologie Appliquée de Dakar (ILAD). L'année 1998 a été marquée par la commémoration du 25tme anniversaire de la Fondation de l'Institut de Léprologie Appliquée de dakar (ILAD).

Cette cérémonie s'est déroulée dans l'en- ciente de l'Institut à l'occasion de la visite officielle au Sénégal de son Altesse Eminentissime Fra' Andrew BERTIE, Prince et Grand Maître de l'Ordre Souverain Militaire et Hospitalier de Malte en présence du Comte Edouard DECAZES, Ambassador de l'Ordre au Sénégal, du Barone Jacques GUERRIER de DUMAST, Président des Œuvres Hospitalières Françaises de l'Ordre de Malte, de son Excellence le Général Jean Alfred DIALLO, Président du Comité des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Malte au Sénégal, de Monsieur Robert SAGNA, Ministre de l'Agriculture-Chevalier de l'Ordre de Malte, de Maître Ousmane NGOM, Ministre de la Santé, ainsi que de nombreuses personnalités qui sont citées en annexe.

Elle a débutée par une visite de l'Insti- tute, des locaux et surtout des malades, s'est poursuivie par un échange de discours dont les principaux sont reproduits en annexe et s'est terminée sur un cocktail réunissant personnalités et malades valides.

Il faut souligner que la visite au Sénégal de S.A.E. Fra' Andrew BERTIE a dépassé largement le cadre de cette cérémonie puisqu'elle a mené des échanges de vue extrêmement positifis pour l'avenir de l'ILAD.

Outre les discours officiels (reproduits en annexe), les entretiens privés avec le Chef de l'Etat qui ont fait l'objet d'un communiqué conjoint également reproduit en annexe ont défini les options et la politique future de l'ILAD.

Cet Institute intégré dans le cadre de la Santé Publique sénégalaise restera pendant encore de longues années une structure qui s'investira dans la lutte contre la lèpre et ses complications.

Cependant le souhait de l'Ordre Souverain de Malte est, avec l'accord des partenaires sénégalais, de diversifier les activités en s'investissant vers de nouveaux enjeux sanitaires qui posent de réels problèmes pour la Santé Publique au Sénégal.

A l'issue de cette visite, les souhaits de l'Ordre Malte ont été clairement défini et feront l'objet, en 1999, d'une étude de faisabilité avec les autorités sénégalaises: a) La lutte contre la lèpre continuera avec, en priorité, les soins dispensés gratuitement à tous les malades lépreux, b) L'Ordre de malte devrait s'investir à travers l'ILAD dans la lutte contre le SIDA et en particulier, dans la lutte contre la transmission du virus de la mère à l'enfant nouveau-né.-Materials received from Med. Gen. JeanPaul Lepers, Director



Spain. Dr. Terencio de las Aguas presented with ILEP certificate . In his final act as President of ILEP, Dr. Jean-Pierre Schenkelaars presented Dr. Jose Terencio de las Aguas (SF) with an ILEP Certificate at the General Assembly in Liège. The certificate was in recognition of his outstanding contribution to ILEP and to leprosy work.-ILEP Connection 1(1999)6



Switzerland. Dr. S. Noordeen retires from WHO . Dr. Shaik Noordeen, well known to many ILEP members, retired from WHO at the end of 1998. He was Director of the Action Programme for the Elimination of Leprosy from 1994 until his retirement, having served with the leprosy research program (1979-1984), and as Chief Medical Officer of the Leprosy Unit (1984-1994). Dr. Noordeen received several prestigious awards in recognition of his work. These include: The International Society of Dermatology Award; the Indian Leprosy Foundation Award; and the International Ghandi Award. Despite his retirement from WHO, Dr. Noordeen will continue his association with ILEP. In October 1998 he was appointed to the Advisory Committee of the Sasakawa Foundation (one of ILEP's member associations), and as Vice-President for Asia of the International Leprosy Association. He will continue to work in evaluating and monitoring the progress of the elimination strategy.-ILEP Connection 1(1999)6

WHO restructuring . A restructuring of the WHO headquarters in Geneva has meant a new title for the Leprosy Elimination Programme. LEP has lost the designation of Special Action Programme. It now falls under the umbrella of Programmes on Communicable Diseases (CDS) in the Department of Eradication and Elimination (EED). The acting Programme Director, following the retirement of Dr. Noordeen, is Dr. V. Pannikar.-ILEP Connection 1(1999)6



U.k. ILEP Connection-new name for the ILEP Newsletter . The ILEP Newsletter has been renamed ILEP Connection and its first issue was published in February of 1999. The Editor Joyce Massé and the Editorial Team feels that the new name reflects more closely what the newsletter is about, connecting ILEP member associations to each other, to ILEP and to organizations with which they work.-ILEP Connection 1(1999)6

ILEP election of new ordinary members of the Standing Committee . Four new ordinary members were elected to the Standing Committee in Liège. These are: Mr. Kommer Braber (NLR), Dr. Jiirgen Konig (DAHW), Mrs. Rina Perolini-Bohner (ALES), Dr. Yo Yuasa (SJ). Their term of office, in line with the ILEP Constitution, runs from December 1998 to December 2002.-ILEP Connection 1(1999) 6

TLMI Wellesley Bailey Awards . The Leprosy Mission International (TLMI) has created special awards in memory of its founder Wellesley Bailey to celebrate its 125th Anniversary. The awards are in two categories: 1) For people who have experienced leprosy, who have made a significant contribution to their community or society, and who have shown outstanding courage in overcoming challenging situations; 2) For a person or organization who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of leprosy in recent years.

The awards will be presented at a special reception in Delhi, India, on 29 November 1999. Deadline for nominations with accompanying papers is 24 September 1999.

For details contact: Joyce Missing, TLMI, 80 Windmill Road, Bentford, Middlesex TW8 OQH, U.K. Fax: 44-181-5697-292; email: JoyceM@TLMInt.org

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