• Volume 66 , Number 4
  • Page: 534

Patrons of the Congress

The following organizations/agencies/funds have made generous contributions either in cash or in kind, including the provision of traveling grants to participants, for which the Organizing Committees are most grateful. The list is in alphabetical order, regardless of the amount involved. If there is any unintentional omission, due to late arrival of information on sponsorship, we apologize sincerely.

Aide aux Lépreux Emmaüs-Swiss (ALES)
All Africa Leprosy TB and Rehabilitation Training Centre (ALERT)
American Leprosy Mission International (ALM)
Association Française Raoul Follereau (FF)
Associazione Italiana Amici di Raoul Rollereau (AIFO)
Aussatzigen Hilfswerk, München (AHM)
British Leprosy Relief Association (LEPRA)
China Disabled Persons' Federation
Comité Exécutif International de l'Ordre de Malte pour l'Assistance aux Lépreux (CIOMAL)
Culion Foundation
Damien Foundation, Belgium (DFB)
Foundation Luxembourgeoise Raoul Follereau (FL)
Fondacao Para o Controle de Hanseniase no Amazonas (FPCHA)
Gandhi Memorial Leprosy Foundation
German Leprosy Relief Association (DAHW)
Institut Cardinal Léger Contre la Lèpre (ICLL)
International Association for Integration, Dignity and Economic Advancement (IDEA)
International Nepal Fellowship (INF)
Leonard Wood Memorial American Leprosy Foundation (LWM)
Ma Haide Foundation
Netherlands Leprosy Relief Association (NSL)
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development
Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation (SMHF)
Stanley Browne/Acchiappati Memorial Fund
The Foundation for Medical Research (TMFR)
The Leprosy Mission International (TLMI)
Wolfs Pharmaceuticals

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