• Volume 66 , Number 4
  • Page: 541–3

Minutes of the First and Second Pre-Congress ILA Council Meetings


6 September 1998 Beijing, China

The meeting was held on Sunday, 6 September 1998, at 7 p.m. at the International Convention Center, Beijing, China, and was chaired by Dr. Yo Yuasa, President of ILA.

Present: ILA Officers: Y. Yuasa (President), W. M. Meyers (Immediate Past President), P. Feenstra (Secretary), W. F. Ross (Treasurer), R. C. Hastings (Editor) and the Vice-Presidents: N. M. Chitimba (Africa), K. V. Desikan (Asia), M. F. R. Waters (Europe).

Council Members: Africa: A. Guedenon, H. J. S. Kawuma, T. O. Sofola; Americas: all absent; Asia: K. V. Desikan, S. K. Noordeen, C. S. Walter; Europe: M. Becx-Bleumink, J. W. König.

President Emeritus: M. F. Lechat.

Absent were: D. V. A. Opromolla (Vice President-Americas) and the Councillors: A. Alvarenga (regrets), J. H. Grosset, R. R. Jacobson, D. Kurnia, M. Leide de Oliveira, D. K. Le Kinh Due (regrets), G. Y. Ye.

1. The meeting was opened by the President, Dr. Yo Yuasa, and proceeded without adopting a formal agenda.

2. Secretary's Report

Since the activities concerned mainly activities of the President the report was given by the President.

A list of deaths among ILA members since the last Council Meeting on 4 September 1993 was read.

The main activities of the Association are the publication of the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEPROSY AND OTHER MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASES (IJL) and the organization of the International Leprosy Congress (ILC) once in 5 years. The Organizing Committee for the 15th ILC met three times: Greenville, SC, U.S.A. (April 1996), Liege, Belgium (May 1997), Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. (April 1998) and a few visits were made to China by the President who was accompanied by some members of the Organizing Committee on two occasions.

Since the ILA does not have funds for activities which are not related to the two main activities, other activities were rather low key and infrequent and consisted almost exclusively of attending meetings for which the ILA was invited. It was virtually always the President who attended those meetings including two World Health Assemblies.

The President expressed his deep appreciation for the excellent work of the Editor and his staff and the report was accepted.

3. Treasurer's Report

During 1998 the circulation of the IJL was four times 1019 copies to 100 countries. The number of subscriptions declined by 21% since 1994. The membership decreased to 364. The revenues in 1997 amounted to US$136,562 and the total expenses US$126,706. Income from individual subscribers is about 11%, and 22% from institutional subscribers. The rest, almost 70%, consists of support from ILEP Members. About 60% of the expenses is for the production and mailing of the IJL, 35% for the Editorial Office and 5% for the Business Office. The low cost of the latter is possible only because of the 100% voluntary work of the Editor and support of the American Leprosy Mission in making the Treasurer, secretarial staff and office services available. This saves more than US$60,000. The cash reserve at the end of 1997 was US$21.605.

There was a short discussion on the need for a budget for activities for the Officers and Councillors since it can be anticipated that many will not be supported by their employers or a sponsor. The issue should be further explored by the new Council.

The membership of the Council of the International Organization of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) was terminated during the past year.

4. Venue of the 16th International Congress and nomination of Officers and Councillors: Because of the absence of the Councillors from Brazil which, through a letter from the Minister of Health, has expressed interest to host the next Congress, this point could not be discussed and a meeting was scheduled for 8 September 1998 at 5:30 p.m. During that meeting a proposal to the General Meeting of ILA Members for the nomination of Officers and Councillors for 1998-2003 will also be made.

5. After thanking the participants the President closed the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ P. Feenstra

P. Feenstra



8 September 1998 Beijing, China

The meeting was held on Tuesday, 8 September 1998, at 5:30 p.m. at the International Convention Center, Beijing, China, and was chaired by Dr. Yo Yuasa, President of ILA.

Present: ILA Officers: Y. Yuasa (President), W. M. Meyers (Immediate Past President), P. Feenstra (Secretary), W. F. Ross (Treasurer), R. C. Hastings (Editor) and the Vice-Presidents: N. M. Chitimba (Africa), K. V. Desikan (Asia), D. V. A. Opromolla (Americas), M. F. R. Waters (Europe).

Council Members: Africa: A. Guedenon, H. J. S. Kawuma, T. O. Sofola; Americas: R. R. Jacobson, M. Leide de Oliveira; Asia: K. V. Desikan, S. K. Noordeen, C. S. Walter; Europe: J. H. Grosset, J. W. König.

President Emeritus: M. F. Lechat.

Absent were: A. Alvarenga (regrets), M. Becx-Bleumink, D. Kurnia, D. K. Le Kinh Due (regrets), G. Y. Ye.

The meeting was opened by the President, Dr. Yo Yuasa, who explained that there were only two points on the agenda, those not completed during the First Pre-Congress Meeting 2 days earlier.

1. Venue of the 16th International Leprosy Congress

The Minister of Health of Brazil has written a letter to the ILA President expressing his interest to host the next Congress. Councillor M. Leide de Oliveira confirmed that the invitation is widely supported in Brazil and that some states have already opted to host the Congress, but that a decision on the location will be taken later on by the host country in consultation with ILA. The motion to nominate Brazil as the host country for the 16th International Leprosy Congress was unanimously accepted.

2. Nomination of Officers and Councillors for 1998-2003

The President presented a list of possible Officers and Councillors and, the absence of nominees for President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor. The Council agreed that the current President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor be nominated for another term. Then the Council discussed possible nominations for Councillors and agreed on the following nominations:



After thanking the participants the President closed the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ P. Feenstra

P. Feenstra

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