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  • Volume 62 , Number 1
  • Page: 131–2

Leprosy vaccines f rom cultivable mycobacteria

M. G. Deo

This department is for the publication of informal communications that are of interest because they are informative and stimulating, and for the discussion of controversial matters. The mandate of this JOURNAL is to disseminate information relating to leprosy in particular and also other mycobacterial diseases. Dissident comment or interpretation on published research is of course valid, but personality attacks on individuals would seem unnecessary. Political comments, valid or not, also are unwelcome. They might result in interference with the distribution of the JOURNAL and thus interfere with its prime purpose.

To the Editor:

Using a vaccine containing Mycobacterium w , Mukherjee, et al. (4) have basically obtained, albeit on a larger sample, results similar to those reported earlier by us with ICRC vaccine (1, 2). Both of the vaccines, which are prepared from cultivable mycobacteria, induce lepromin conversion in a majority of lepromatous leprosy patients, associated with upgrading of tissue reaction and accelerated bacillary clearance. Some patients even show reversal reaction (1,4).

A comparative account of the two mycobacteria makes interesting reading (The Table).



Cultural characteristics, similarity of protein antigens and, especially, identical RFLP patterns indicate that the two organisms, ICRC and Mycobacterium w , may not be very much different, explaining the similarity of the observations. The results from two independent laboratories further show that vaccines containing cultivable mycobacteria, exhibiting crossreactivity with M. leprae , could be effective immunotherapeutic agents (2, 4).


- M. G. Deo, M.D.,
Ph.D., F.A.M.S., F.N.A.

Cancer Research Institute
Parel, Bombay 400012, India



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