The search for the author or contributors found 15 results.

A. R. Davison

Volume: 31 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1963
A pilot study of tapazole
A. R. Davison

Volume: 29 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1961
Acute edema of hands and feet in leprosy
A. R. Davison

Volume: 24 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1956
Infections in leprosy institutions
A. R. Davison

Volume: 17 - Edition: 3 - Jul/Aug/Sep - 1949
The infectivity of neural leprosy
A. R. Davison

Volume: 16 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Feb/Mar - 1948
Antimony in the treatment of leprosy
A. R. Davison

Volume: 11 - Edition: 1 - Jan/Dec - 1943
Decolorizing of Mycobacterium leprae
A. R. Davison

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